Monday, June 13, 2011

Last minute attempts to add stupid amendments to WI Concealed Carry Bill

The Wisconsin Senate is scheduled to debate and vote on SB-93, the Concealed Weapons Bill.  Not unexpectedly, many amendments to the bill have been proposed in a last ditch effort to make concealed carry a ridiculous farce, and an insult, to law-abiding citizens of Wisconsin.  SB-93 originally was a reasonably streamlined 19-page bill, which has now grown to a bloated 60-page monstrosity. 

Let's take a look at the new amendments that have been proposed for consideration:

1)  Replace the current bill's Florida-like broad training requirement with a specific.  This amendment was introduced by 21st Senate District Republican Van Wanggaard, whom, it seems, took the required course to receive a Minnesota pistol permit.  Wanggaard apparently thinks, for whatever reason, that Wisconsin' permit process should include a similar required course.  This is despite the fact that there is no demonstrated benefit to anyone from requiring such a course, except for the handful of gun trainers who will profit by having a monopoly on providing the specific course.  Requiring the development and approval of a particular course of instruction will likely slow down the entire process of establishing concealed carry in Wisconsin, plus it will create a bottleneck as classes will fill quickly and will limited to only those offered by a small list of approved instructors.  All this for no demonstrable increase in public safety. 

2)  Adding a list of private property where handguns will not be allowed by law.  In other words, the legislature is substituting it's judgment for the judgment of private property owners, who are apparently too stupid to make their own choice whether to allow guns.  We all know that churches, day cares, hospitals and other places never have crimes committed on their premises.  We know that employees and visitors to such places never have stalkers or unstable ex's after them. 

3)  No guns allowed in domestic violence shelters.  Well that makes a lot of sense!  After all, someone who has violently abused their partner will automatically refrain from going after that partner once they are inside a domestic violence shelter protected by a statute and a sign on the door.

4)  No guns specifically in the State Capitol building.  Hmmm, I seem to recall quite a few death threats being made against legislators and the governor recently.  Okay, if you maintain the current weapons screening and police security the legislators who feel threatened may be relatively safe inside the capitol.  They do, however leave the building to go home, to go to meetings, to have lunch.  Should they be held hostage inside the building for the rest of their term?  Wait a minute, maybe there is a bright side to this amendment.....

5)  Prohibit carrying guns on the external grounds of government buildings.  Of course!  We know that criminals have huge respect for imaginary lines!  Just like we know that no crimes ever happen in those 1000-foot "gun free school zones."

6)  No guns during "Special events" on government grounds.  It would be nice to see the actual language of this proposed amendment, but suffice it to say it sounds like some ripe for abuse. 

7)  Granting colleges and university the authority to prohibit carry on campus grounds.  Again, we know that criminals respect campus grounds and never commit crimes there.  I can't think of any shootings by criminals on a campus ever.  Well, except for that one.  And that other one.  Oh, yeah... that one too....

8)  Absolutely not one detectable drop of alcohol in a person carrying a gun.  Nope, not .08... not .04, not .000001.  Nothing. 

I certainly do not advocate drinking while carrying a gun, but any restriction that is so strict that it puts you in danger of violation by having some cold medicine or a slice of rum cake is going too far.  The legislature will allow people to drive without penalty if their blood alcohol level is below .08, but they fear a gun sitting untouched in a holster belonging to someone with a .0001 level more.  I will accept this amendment if the legislators promise to pass a similar provision for driving. 

9)  Prohibit licensees from storing handguns in locked vehicles in parking lots.  Okay, if we take this literally, does it mean if you don't have a license it's okay to store your gun in your car?  Or, is it acceptable to store your gun in an unlocked car?  I don't know who proposed this amendment, but I'll bet $5 was a Democrat.  Knowing full well that some employers will prohibit firearms on the job, this amendment would make it virtually impossible to protect yourself on the way to or from work. 

10)  Unlimited access by law enforcement to a list of license holders.  Nobody has ever explain why this would do anyone any good, and it simply opens up opportunities for abuse of the information.

11)  Public access to the list of licensees.  Even dumber than the amendment above, it was probably proposed by the same people who think you'll be safe in a domestic violence shelter.  Now your abuser can know just how unsafe you are by knowing you won't be carrying a gun.  As an added bonus, criminals can take the guessing out of which houses have guns to steal.  Nothing like making life easy for someone who intends to commit a crime.

12)  Make unlicensed concealed weapons a felony.  I don't care if you want to make it a felony penalty enhancer to commit a crime with a an unlicensed weapon.  Nor do I particularly care if the intent was to add a second felony charge for concealment, if a gun is concealed by a felon (it is a felony for a felon to possess a firearm.)  But weapons are already unfairly demonized, they do not need to be demonized further.  Enshrining the concept of permitted carry only will present a psychological barrier to future attempts to establish constitutional carry in Wisconsin.  This amendment also puts someone in danger of a felony conviction if their shirt accidentally covered a knife or openly carried gun by a person who did not obtain a permit.  Rather harsh punishment for having a gust of wind come by at the wrong time.

13)  Bans in common areas of multi-family properties.  Too stupid of an amendment to make further comment.  I don't know who submitted this amendment, but that person is an asshole.

14)  Increased penalty for trespassing that applies only to gun carriers.  Yeah, right. People who have no serious criminal history are the ones we need to really come down on hard!

15)  Don't recognize CCW permits or licenses from other states.  Sure, law-abiding visitors to Wisconsin should not be granted the same ability to protect themselves as we grant to ourselves.  That ought to make them feel welcome and safe in Wisconsin.  Mmmm hmmm!

16)  Prohibit DUI offenders from getting licenses.  This coming from a state that doesn't even have a criminal penalty for first time drunk drivers? 

17)  No carry in places that serve alcohol.  Yes, again, no crime happens inside or in the vicinity of places that serve alcohol, thanks to the ethical code to which criminals voluntarily subscribe. 

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